At long last I have made myself overcome my apprehension of things tecchie - well, websites to be accurate - and hopefully I can now manage this website and blog! I have been meaning to get to grips with all this for ages, but there are only 24 hours in a day and there's always something that is more appealing to do than battle with a websiste! So, fingers crossed, this is day one. Now all I need to do is make time to keep this alive!
So I thought I'd start by posting a picture of something else I have been meaning to do for ages, and finally managed to get round to!
So I thought I'd start by posting a picture of something else I have been meaning to do for ages, and finally managed to get round to!
I love playing the cello, and years ago I rescued a battered old Chinese cello from a local junk shop. Very heavy, horrendously hard to play - I thought one day I would paint it and hang it on my wall. I finally got around to it a few weeks ago, but instead of paintng it I decided to cover it with a banner I had made some time ago. And here it is, photographed in the garden to get better light! It is now hanging on my wall.

Not a very good colour representation. The combination of bright clolours against a muddy mustard wall would take a much better photographer than I am to get right, but it gives the idea. I love it there - no longer sad, battered and neglected but very OTT and glorious!